Personal Pronouns

  1. What do I get out of time
  2. If you don’t occupy it anymore
  3. What do I get out of my bed
  4. If you don’t leave it unmade in the morning
  5. What do I get out of my diet
  6. If I can’t look at myself in the mirror
  7. What do I get out of smoking
  8. If I don’t have anyone to share one with
  9. What do I get out of the sun
  10. If I never see the sea
  11. What do I get out of socks
  12. If you’re not there, touching my feet lightly at night
  13. What do I get out of my bags
  14. If you don’t throw your keys and wallet inside them
  15. What do I get out of my ears
  16. If I can’t listen to our songs
  17. What do I get out of personal pronouns
  18. If I can’t use any longer
  19. us.

This poem earned me an Honorable Mention at The 2021 Iris N. Spencer Poetry Contest organized by The West Chester Poetry Center.

Blurred Pictures

  1. If I knew everything’s gone
  2. From my phone’s camera roll
  3. What would be lost?
  4. You looked so cold in that white dress last summer
  5. Yes I remember it hurt my eyes to look at
  6. That filter made it look like you could walk on water
  7. But I remember we were running on the seashore
  8. And I just fell.
  9. Your mom’s birthday was so luxurious
  10. But I can only remember she smoking
  11. Alone on the terrace
  12. Stupid cigarettes.
  13. And we were perfectly in love
  14. In that selfie by the docks
  15. But I remember
  16. I just kept running after you.