My Story

My name is Angela, I am a young Italian woman with a strong passion for aesthetics, words, digital media, and every possible combination of the three.

I'm currently based in Chicago, IL, pursuing a STEM degree in Computer Science, Philosophy and Game Design at Illinois Institute of Technoloygy.

My Aesthetic

Napoli, Italy, by day
Napoli (Italy), by day
PNapoli, Italy, by night
Napoli (Italy), by night
Angela Petrone's parents
My Parents
Chicago by night
Chicago, by night
Piano Music Sheet
Angela Petrone playing
        the piano
Playing the piano
Angela Petrone singing
View from a bridge
        in Sorrento
Sorrento, Italy
Angela Petrone's sister
My Sister
Trevi Fountain
Rome, Italy
Theatre in Naples
Chicago by day
Chicago, by day
Profile Picture: Angela Petrone
Where I want to be
Ruins in Athens
Athens, Greece
Latin Dictionary
Ancient Classics